To all members of Mill Park Tennis Club

The club will hold the Annual General Meeting on Sunday 15th September 2024 commencing at 7.30 p.m. at Mill Park Tennis Club (Harry Jenkins Reserve)

At the AGM, the business to be conducted will be as follows: –

  • Receive and consider reports from the Committee on club activities and financial matters.
  • Financial Report
  • President Report
  • Junior Match Coordinator
  • Book A Court Utilisation Report
  • Elect committee members for the 2024-2025 Financial Year

Any additional agenda items must be put forward, in writing, to the secretary by close of business on Monday 9th September 2024.  No other agenda items can be raised after this date.

Adult Members may appoint a proxy to act on their behalf at the meeting. These forms will be available on request to the Secretary via the Email

The club rules require that at least 20 adult club members are present for the meeting, this can be physical or proxy attendance.

Enquiries about the Annual General Meeting can be directed to the club secretary via

Courts Open for Social Tennis and Coaching

The committee has received confirmation from the council that we can open our courts for Social Tennis and Coaching under strict conditions.

These conditions are

  • There is a maximum of 10 people PER FACILITY as a whole at any one time. It is the club’s responsibility to manage this strict number limit to ensure compliance.
  • Pavilions MUST remain closed expect for access to toilet facilities
  • No equipment hire or sharing permitted
  • Social distancing must be practiced at all times.

As such the committee has made the decision to open the courts at South Morang via Book A Court from 7:00 am Tuesday 20th October 2020. Limiting all play to singles only

This provides the safeguard of keeping below the maximum 10 people threshold and also maintains a register of the main contact who made the booking for contact tracing purposes.

Our facilities at Mill Park will be used exclusively by our Professional coaches during this time.

During Current COVID-19 restrictions all Bookings must conform to the following as advised from Whittlesea Council.

  • Casual play – singles only – maximum two people per court
  • Using Sanitiser before and after play (provided inside each gate)
  • Tennis equipment must not be shared
  • Details of everyone entering a tennis facility must be registered for tracking purposes
  • Social Distancing is always to be adhered to.
  • No socialising at the courts – arrive, play, go home.

NEJTA Junior Comp Update

“In a press conference yesterday, the State Government announced their ‘Roadmap to Reopening’, a roadmap which outlines the series of steps to get Victoria back to ‘COVID Normal’.
According to that press conference, October 26 2020 is the earliest possible date that we can expect non-contact sports to resume in any capacity. Even if full competition was allowed to begin from that date, it unfortunately does not leave enough time for the NEJTA to be able to host even a half-season of seven games plus finals. As a result, it is with a great sense of disappointment that the NEJTA must announce the cancellation of the Spring 2020 season.
We understand how frustrating this is to our players, spectators and volunteers, but we must adhere to directions issued and it is the Committee’s determination that community safety must be the first priority.
The Committee will continue to monitor the situation and it is our hope that we will be able to host an NEJTA multi-round tournament later in the year if restrictions are lifted enough to allow it and it is safe to do so.’

New COVID-19 Stage 4 Restrictions

Mr Andrews has declared a ‘state of disaster’ that begins at 6pm on the 2nd August 2020, giving authorities sweeping powers, that includes a nightly curfew for Greater Melbourne from 8pm to 5am.

Under the stage 4 rules for Melbourne, “people will be restricted to their suburbs, and only allowed to leave home if absolutely necessary, with a significant boost to policing to enforce the ban on movements. Only one person will be able to leave the home to buy groceries. People cannot travel more than 5km from their residence. Recreational activities will not be allowed – exercise for no more than an hour, close to home, is permissible. No groups bigger than two will be allowed.”

Until we hear from Tennis Vic and or Council, our venues will remain open with the only restriction of closing off court bookings from 7:30pm to 5am, every day of the week.

When the club receives communication from Tennis Vic and or Council, I will communicate updates.

AGM 2020 Extension

As per the clubs current constitution, an AGM must be conducted within 5 months of the end of the membership year. However, given the unprecedented COVID-19 situation, prior to the end of the membership year, the club sought an extension of this time frame from Consumer Affairs. I can report that this extension was granted.

Before the reintroduction of Stage 3 COVID-19 restrictions, the club had intended on still holding the AGM at the club rooms. As the COVID-19 restrictions have once again tightened (returning to Stage 3 restrictions), the club will now be looking at conducting the AGM via a video platform.

The committee will be finalising the AGM details at the next committee meeting. So stay tuned for further details.

Once again the committee thank you for your patience and understanding.

NEJTA Back Up Plan

Under Stage 3 restrictions, no tennis competition will be allowed to resume.

The six-week lockdown will run past the initial planned start date of 15th August for the Spring 2020 season, meaning that the original plan for the Spring 2020 Season (ten rounds plus finals with six teams per section) is now no longer feasible. The NEJTA is now moving on to their back-up plan: a season which comprises of seven rounds plus finals with eight teams per section. Essentially a half-season where every team plays every other team once followed by a normal finals bracket.

The first round of the Spring 2020 season is now set to Commence on 10 October, provided clubs have been allowed to open and operate by that time.

The NEJTA is committed to trying to run a competition in the latter half of this year if it is at all possible and safe to do so.

Stage 3 Restrictions

With the government announcing the return to Stage 3 restrictions for the next 6 weeks you may be asking how this will impact tennis. Tennis has been identified as one of the sports that can continue however we will need to comply with strict restrictions.

Therefore the following restrictions will apply effective midnight 8th July 2020:

  • Casual play – singles only – maximum two people per court. In order to comply with these restrictions, the club can ONLY offer the use of The Lakes, South Morang venue to members and members of the public. All members and members of the public can book these courts using the Book-A-Court system. The Mill Park Members padlock, has been removed from the member entry gate at Mill Park venue
  • One to one tennis coaching is okay. This means private and semi-private lessons only (if players are from the same household). Group lessons and Squads are on hold for the first 6 weeks of term 3. For all coaching enquiries please email
  • Community competition must be cancelled until further notice. All planned senior and junior competition have been put on hold
  • All other programmes and activity must cease until further notice
  • Tennis equipment must not be shared
  • Adhering to physical distancing (1.5m) and hygiene protocols is essential
  • No one from outside a lockdown area may play at a facility within the lockdown area – and vice versa
  • Details of everyone entering a tennis facility must be registered for tracking purposes. In order to comply, members and members of the public will only have access to South Morang courts via. the Book-A-Court systems to ensure we have a record of who is on site at all times.
  • All indoor facilities must remain close including clubhouses/rooms

The Lakes South Morang venue will be monitored by Committee, Council and Police.  Any breaches of restrictions and subsequent fines issued, will be the sole responsibility of individual court booking parties.

If you have any questions please submit all your enquiries via. our Contact page.

On behalf of the entire committee, we thank you all for your patience and understanding.